Holistic Depression Treatment
Struggling to Get Out of Bed?
Are you worried that you or someone you love might be depressed? That you notice they are not themselves and you get the sense that they are sad, feel empty or at times hopeless. Witnessing a loved one who is experiencing depression is a scary thing. Families often feel helpless at what to do and find that they are willing to try anything in hopes that their loved one will feel better.
Here are some indicators that you may be experiencing major depressive disorder:
Depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day.
Diminished pleasure in most or all activities, nearly every day for most of the day.
Weight loss (or gain through comfort eating.)
Insomnia or sleeping a lot
Expressing restlessness or agitation through body movement (fidgeting or repetitive movements)
Fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day.
Feeling worthless or excessive guilt nearly every day.
Difficulty concentrating and making decisions nearly every day.
Recurring thoughts of death or suicide.
You catch yourself thinking…
What is the point?
Why even try?
I can’t do anything right.
Risk Factors and Common Contributors to Depression:
Hormonal changes
Substance abuse
Life events
Certain illnesses
Some medications
Therapy can be highly beneficial for people suffering from depression. Having a regular time to meet for therapy can be a helpful structure for people with depression. Underneath the surface, attending therapy with someone with a regulated nervous system (me) can do wonders for the nervous system of the client (you) - people with depression tend to be hypo-aroused. (Read more here.) Or when coupled with anxiety, people can oscillate between hyper and hypo arousal, both very straining on the nervous system. I help client with body regulation and emotional regulation. Cognitively, I utilize CBT and DBT to bring awareness to a person’s thoughts, feelings, beliefs and outcomes. Also, when appropriate, I lean on EMDR (click here to learn more) to help integrate any past life events that are contributing to felling down and general, overall unwellness.