Constantly worried or stressed?
Anxiety is an emotional concern that impacts most, if not all, people at some point in their lifespan. Let’s work together to create more ease and harmony in your life.
Anxiety manifests itself as thoughts and feelings of stress, worry, tension, and/or fear meant to make us react to protect ourselves from perceived danger. Think of anxiety as your brain telling you, “Hey watch out for _____!”
Anxiety is, therefore, not always a bad thing; however, it becomes a problem if anxiety is chronic and/or severe to the point that it prevents you from carrying on your daily life activities. Anxiety can also be problematic if your brain is constantly warning you to watch out in situations that are really not threatening. Feelings of anxiety are different from an anxiety disorder when the symptoms significantly interfere with your ability to function and/or when symptoms occur on a continuous basis.
You may find yourself thinking:
Ugh, I don’t want to go to that event, people will think I’m weird.
I’m so awkward.
Is my friend still hung up on what I said last week? Are they mad at me?
Everyone will know that I don’t know what I’m doing.
People can read my mind and know that something is off about me.
Maybe you are wondering what the difference between general anxiety and anxiety disorders?
The degree the nervousness impacts your life varies from person to person. You could be losing sleep, opting out of social events despite wanting to go or find yourself trying to control and force certain outcomes you deserve. Maybe you experience physical symptoms of anxiety, like tightness in your chest, difficulty breathing, and levels of panic. Or maybe you find that if you are not “in control” of a situation, then you struggle to keep your cool.
Treatment for generalized anxiety disorder can look different for different people. I utilized CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to help people recognize how their thoughts influenced by their beliefs (or self-talk) influence their actions/outcomes. I also use DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) to increase a person’s mindful awareness of their experience to support the change process and offer specific techniques to combat anxiety in the moment.
It is entirely possible to reduce worry, anxiety, and panic and experience more relaxation, ease, and peace in life. To read more about anxiety in general, click here.
I imagine that you may question if therapy can really work for you or that maybe you have tried therapy in the past and you did not find it helpful. Perhaps you are afraid of getting started or unsure of what you will talk about for that long. Maybe you are worried that it will get worse if you begin to look at your anxiety. And sometimes things get worst before they get better. I’m thinking of the long game, start now and your efforts WILL pay off.